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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Comming up.

There are several exciting things coming up in my life.

These are all rather exciting and I am trying to save my creativeness for when these events breach themselves upon me. It is very difficult to keep ones excitement burred down deep with in them. Mine is very close to bursting. This is like the steam venting before a kettle stop boiling. I must tell this blog what these events will be so then my excitement is not being built up enough for me to burst like the proverbial balloon.

Event 1:

This event isn't actually that big, it is just the first one in the series. I am getting a new camera body, and depending on how much money I have left a new lens too. See how small that is compared to the other events coming. The reason for this purchase is that my old camera had developed some problems. Like when humans get older, their hearing goes, they start to ask many many questions and things start to leak. Well my camera has developed problems. So it seems like a perfect time for an upgrade, an upgrade to (this is where the light shines down from the sky and a choir sings) Full Frame.

Event 2:

I will soon be heading off with a couple of friends to go and see the starlings at Gretna green. Having never seen Starlings do their murmurations this will be a first time for me. It is one of the most exciting things this year that I have wanted to do.

Event 3:

The 3rd event is about filming kestrels. ( I will update as things progress on new blogs)

Event 4:

Expedition to Scotland. This is the big thing of 2013 in my life. Except for the next event. This trip to Scotland is going to be really really fun. I use the word 'fun' because it is the simplest way of putting what will be being had. I will be going to two people whom I want to go with, (whom don't want to change things for their own personal gain but for the gain of everybody), this makes the expedition much more enjoyable as we can all (3 of us) enjoy each other company and learn of each other and just have fun.

Event 5:

Trip to Gambia. This is a big one. After we return back from Scotland we will be jetting off to Gambia to do a field studies trip. Personally I am not too interested in the whole surveying and doing too much actual work. I'm more interested in going out and birding. Having got 2, yes 2, bird books for this trip. I feel smugly confident that I can identify a fair few birds. Having learned so much so quickly on my last birding trip, I am sure that I can pick up this kind of birding just as quick.

These are the events that will be going on over the next 6 months of so. Well up until Easter anyway.